Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Testing from my BlackBerry

While I'm testing my ability to add a post to the Spruce Kings Crusader blog from my BlackBerry, I can't help but think how much busier people have become trying to stay connected. Technology was supposed to make tasks easier to perform and manage. Although that is the case, it is the amount of technology that we have at our fingertips that is making it overwhelming. From trying to keep up with family and friends on Facebook and Twitter to checking email and web pages from smart phones to publishing random thoughts and ramblings for the world to read, finding the time to do it all is quickly diminishing. To make matters worse, or better depending on your point of view, it is becoming increasingly necessary to do it all. It is the new way to promote. So in the interests of promoting the Spruce Kings I now know that I will be able to post here while travelling on the team bus or while waiting at the airport to shuttle participants of the Prospects Camp to the rink.

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